About Ministry for Peace Australia

We recognize that the world is interconnected and that everything influences the whole. As a consequence, there is no “them and us.” There is only us, and the welfare of others, indeed of all life, is our own welfare.

Therefore, we must seek ways to consciously connect and build a culture of peace with nonviolence and cooperation as organising principles. Indeed, all our systems of foreign policy, education, politics, business, health, and social welfare can and must be united in seeking, teaching, and living peace.

Already, peacebuilding and conflict transformation technologies are being developed and put into practice around the world in a wide range of conflict situations within and between countries. The time has come to educate ourselves and help create the necessary infrastructure for peace in our culture.

A Ministry for Peace existing within the Australian Federal Government and indeed amongst all governments of the world.

The Ministry for Peace Australia is dedicated to making this shared vision a reality.  To not only campaign for a Ministry for Peace in Australia but also to work with the government to ensure a workable structure and scope for such a ministry.

Role of a Ministry for Peace

Biannca Pace May 2005

If we look at the past history of humanity we see constant wars and battles between countries, nations, states, tribes and even families.

Time and time again we have seen that the solving of our differences cannot be through war. Yes after conflict relative harmony ensures, but soon another set of differences arises and we are thrust into war again.

These differences are usually because humanity has not seen fit to share resources for they have never visioned “en masse” the necessity for viewing LIFE as ONE interdependent, WHOLE.

Over the centuries instead of delighting in our diversity and seeing the beauty in that diversity, we have become stuck in ever-widening corridors of separation. We have allowed the beauty in diversity to be seen as ugliness, as differences which can only be reconciled through war. And although we have used our mind to take us to the Moon we have been unable to use it to take us to the Stars and bring Heaven on Earth.

Instead, we have become less human and less humane as we, even today, battle each other over, differences of opinion. …My religion is better than yours, my race is more important than yours, only by following this God will you be saved….

In whose opinion?

There are 2 billion Christians, over 1 billion Muslims, 708 million Buddhists, and 15 million Jews, and they are entitled to their opinion – but do not force it on anybody else, for usually the force used is a WAR.

As a consequence, every country has a Department of War usually called a Department of Defence.


AND if a Dept of Peace only brings a world without war ….it will already by much – for it would mean a world where brotherhood, having been recognized as a practical application of love, would prevail. ” Love thy neighbour as thyself.” A truly humane ideal!

I can imagine a world where order rules.  A world where each and every person has their place and value. Where the science of our world would be harnessed for humanity’s benefit.

A world of plenty for all, a world where food, shelter, clothing, education and health would be considered basic human rights.

Where the spirit of community so touched our hearts and minds that we knew each other as children of the One Creator.

In this world of understanding and goodwill to all people, peace would reign, for peace is not a cause; it is an effect…… of goodwill.

And in this -World of Peace- we would reap the fruits of that peace and our academies would be full of our children, eager to learn new ways of sharing and growing in stature as noble, dignified, humane, human beings.

Our hospitals would be almost empty, for disease would be no more, thanks to the great scientific minds working together to benefit mankind.

Our Arts would once again become a source of beauty and inspiration, a new renaissance of colour and sound.

Our political system would return to governance by wisdom and our politicians would elevate themselves to Statesmen and Stateswomen.

We would again have great Philosophers and our religions would come together in ONE great system of understanding; that we are all children of the One Creator.

A world of freedom, of abundance for all, such a world is our destiny when peace becomes the organizing principle in our societies and when every Government in our world has a Department of Peace.

Thank you.

About Peace

Peace is essentially the establishing of right human relations, the recognition of the indissoluble unity of the human family – one world/ one humanity- of synthetic rapport, with its resultant cooperation and interaction between the world’s nations on behalf of the whole.

We are all familiar with our individual identity, first within our family unit, and progressively, as our sense of responsibility develops, with our community and with our nation. It is only one more step and imperative at this time in order to realise peace, to find our identity as an individual within that great group, the human family, the world community, with all the responsibility that implies.

Peace produces balance, equilibrium, synthesis, and understanding. Peace proceeds from a state of poise and stillness. Peace is a state within which growth can take place. Peace manifests as goodwill in action. This is possible if the major world democracies have the will to restore world order, negate the old order of selfishness and aggression, and usher in the new order of world understanding, world sharing, and world peace.

To date, people have considered that peace is a state-established when conflict has been resolved (or even quieted temporarily) at which time it is possible to develop understanding between nations.

However, peace will be the result of understanding and sharing, not the origin of them, demanding of us that shift in identification from the separate self-centered individual to the world citizen, the responsible individual within the whole.

Peace is conventionally seen as the absence of war – a state of emotional and static calm that exists when the conflict ceases when people can once more enjoy their day-to-day lives in their particular environment, without disruption. There is however no guarantee that conflict will not recur sooner or later, as a glance through time will confirm. But we need to understand Peace in a more active and vital sense than comfortable living. It cannot be exclusive to certain people or nations. It must be universal in expression and in action everywhere across the planet.

Such an established recognition can lead to cooperative endeavor and open the way to human progress in ways we may not yet anticipate.